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(Translation: more money left over at the end of the month.)

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When you get smart with money,
you’ll stop worrying about money.

How do people who make less than you end up with so much more?

It’s simple: Those people are smart with money.

Not just book-smart. Action-smart. It’s one thing to climb into bed
and say “Hey Honey, we need to watch our spending.” But it’s a whole
other thing to actually do it.

That’s where I come in. I help you take action. I help you figure out
exactly what you can enjoy spending each day, week and
month…so you have enough for now, and for the rest of your life.

HAVE a budget without feeling like you’re ON a budget.

My clients often say, “Just tell me what I can spend, and that’s how
much I’ll spend. Show me my sandbox, and I’ll stay in it.”


I’ll show you exactly how much you have to play with, so you can:

  • steadily get rid of your debt,
  • get off the line-of-credit hamster wheel,
  • stop living paycheck to paycheck,
  • finally be in control of your money…

…And still live well.

That’s called being smart with money.

Isn't it time to get smart with your money?

Not born money smart?
Don’t worry. Neither was I.

Hi, I’m Avraham.

Here’re two things most people are shocked to learn about me…

1. I wasn’t born with good money genes.

2. I wasn’t born Jewish. (And I definitely wasn’t born with the beard)

Guess what? Now I’m smart with money, Jewish, and have an
awesome beard.

Learn how I did it (beard and all)

Your money smarts will become theirs.

When you get smart with money, your children get smart too.

It happens often, kids young and old become money savvy when their parents do. Why? It’s simple: They need a financial role model. Someone who will lead by example.

With my training, I’ll teach you how to pass the financial know-how you’ll get down to your children. And it’s never too late. Whether they’re in diapers or out of the house, I’ll give you the tools to make sure your kids become money smart just like you.

Click here to get started