Most of us keep our finances to ourselves. Kinda like holding a deck of cards to our chest. I get it -- we’re afraid what people think about us. Maybe... read more →
Here’s a list of common financial lingo you probably already know: Spreadsheet Forecast Cash-flow Debt repayment Surplus Retirement savings Unexpected expenses Equally as important, but not as well known, here’s a list of... read more →
Does "taking control of your finances" sound impossible to you? Sure, you might be able to budget for a week or two, but after that, fuhgeddaboudit. C'mon, you'll never stick... read more →
I'm not a coupon cutter -- and probably will never be one. My wife, Yael, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. She always knows where to save 0.50¢... read more →
I believe: People can change. A rut is a temporary place to get you to the next level. Spouses can work together as a team. It’s never too late. Urgency... read more →
My receptionist, Jessie, one time mistakenly filled up her sister's car with diesel instead of gas. (If you’re thinking diesel nozzles are designed to be oversized compared to gas --... read more →
Quick Intro: This article was co-written by June Silny (ADHD Coach) and me. The story is hers, and the humour is mine. Hope you enjoy ;). For most people, budgeting... read more →
For years I thought about cutting up my credit cards. In the past, I always had six months of unopened credit card bills piled up on my kitchen table --... read more →
I wasn’t built be a professional wrestler. Not like my high school buddy Anthony -- aka “Santino Marella” -- who become the WWE Intercontinental Champion. He’s like a brick... read more →
Have you ever opened your credit card statement and felt like you really messed up again? My hand’s raised ;). Those feelings of regret can become overwhelming. Even paralyzing. I... read more →