Why are some of us natural savers, while others are spenders? In a way, it's a matter of perspective. The main difference is that savers take in the big picture,... read more →
A lot of people are under the impression that having a budget, or being able to create a budget, is all they need in order to get ahead of their... read more →
A lot of us have the pre-conceived notion that the more money we make, the better off we will be. This is so engrained in us, we assume this cause... read more →
In this time of historically low interest rates, you would think people must be paying off their mortgages at lightning speed. Why? When interest rates are low, less money from... read more →
It feels rewarding to help your children. When your adult children ask for help, they can, no doubt, be difficult to refuse. It might seem natural that you would or... read more →
I was told recently about a successful lawyer who wanted to write a book called Broke on Any Budget. He selected this title because, he was broke as a law... read more →
According to Yahoo News, the first Friday the 13th of each year is officially “Blame Someone Else Day.” First started by Anne Moeller of Clio, Michigan in 1982, it’s said... read more →
Money may not be the root of all evil, but overspending can cause a whole lot of disagreement in a marriage. It’s assumed and fair to say that the less... read more →
There are a lot of commercials out there which attempt to position certain products and services as a substitute for discipline. Offering “fast and easy” solutions, companies will wrap your... read more →
Having a retirement plan is great. It’s a good thing to have absolute clarity and know what you need to do to secure your retirement. It’s another thing to take... read more →