When making decisions about where to spend money, generosity often trumps or supersedes money concerns at this time of year. For some, it can be so difficult to go against this pattern, they actually feel helpless to control their spending, budget or not. In a recent Investors Group poll,... read more →
We have a lot of decisions to make in life. Sometimes the easiest, or most reassuring way to go about making those decisions, is simply to spring for the best your money can get. Do you need to have the very best internet or cell phone package though? Maybe. In... read more →
It's pretty common to think that having more will make us happy. In reality, though, the more we have, the more complicated our lives get. We are hardwired to think about the upside when we buy things. We think about how great it will be to take our new boat... read more →
Fixed expenses directly impact our discretionary spending ability, and our ability to save. Some fixed costs are inevitable: We need to pay down our mortgage, pay our utilities, and make good with the phone company every month. These so-called "fixed" expenses, though, have a way of creeping higher across the... read more →
Starting a business might be scary, but for those already invested in a venture that's underperforming, knowing when to pull the plug is by far the more terrifying prospect. To be an entrepreneur, you require a certain amount of blind faith, drive and ambition. At some point in your business... read more →
No matter who you are, no matter what you do, no matter how much income you earn each year, if your debt is growing, even just a little bit, your lifestyle is not sustainable. Why? Because eventually, that debt will start eroding your lifestyle. Even before you get to that... read more →
Watch your pennies. It's not terribly difficult to do, and the pennies, the little things, are usually what add up to big savings over time. I was speaking with a client recently who was introduced to the concept of tracking his daily expenditures. This task of "watching the pennies," really... read more →
The urge is typical. You've completed your tax return, happily confirming your hope the government owes you a refund. Before you've even received your refund in that recognizable brown envelope, it's likely you've already earmarked that money for goodies you want, but haven't had the chunk of cash to pay... read more →
There are two, very common, hurdles people face when attempting to budget. Unfortunately, these hurdles often go unacknowledged, setting a lot of people up for failure, almost before they even get started. Quite simply, there are two hurdles or speed bumps people encounter with the process: The first challenge is the... read more →
For some people, it can be incredibly difficult to discern the difference between what they want and what they need. Here is just one practical example: Let's say someone goes to a mall to replace a broken dish. Walking through the mall, they see a shirt in the window that... read more →