Your Magic Number, will teach you how to:
- Get rid of debt
- Stop the blame game with loved ones
- Drink lattes guilt free ; )
You’re just 30 seconds away from taking charge of your finances…

“Your Magic Number is brilliant. I have a huge sense of relief now knowing exactly where I stand every day. I can see where I need to scale back on a few ‘wants’ in order to able to focus on paying off some debt and to actually save towards a guilt free vacation.”
Steff W.
Take a look inside…

Read these chapters and you’ll become money smart…
- ch. 1 “I’m not the budgeting type”
- ch. 2 How to get up and running in less than 1 hour
- ch. 3 Getting you and your spouse on the same financial team
- ch. 4 Make it as brainless as brushing your teeth
- ch. 5 3 Golden habits that work like magic
- ch. 6 Final works
- ch. 7 Magic Number tools
(and you’ll know it all in 20 minutes from now)
The best budgeting book you’ll ever read — 20 minute read cover to cover.

“Your Magic Number is a simple, efficient, and positive strategy to personally implement financial management. If you’d like to get behind the wheel of your financial life you should take a moment to read this ebook, print out copies of the Activity Sheets, and take an hour to resolve all your financial stress.”
Colin P.
About the Author — that’s me Avraham ; )
Even though I’m awsome with money now, it wasn’t always that way. I was bad with money. Really bad.
I knew I had to budget but the idea of “tightening the belt” freaked me out.
I spent years experimenting with different types of budgeting strategies. But most methodologies I found were restrictive and wanted to convert me into a tightwad.
And that’s why I wrote this book for you.
Having a “Magic Number” isn’t restrictive. It’s the opposite.
It’s the only way I budget now, and has given me control of my finances.
When you read Your Magic Number, like me, you’ll learn how to get rid of your debt, stop playing the blame game with your spouse, and drink lattes guilt free.

“I’ve tried budgeting in the past, but truth be told, I was never successful. Your Magic Number gave me a guilt-free way to spend money on the things I love. Now I have plenty left over to meet my needs AND our wants. Avraham simplifies what so many people find too complicated and abandon too soon. One number, one day at a time.”
Anne D.
Your Magic Number makes budgeting so simple…it’s magical ; )
Praise from the pros…

Your Magic Number is an elegant, easy system that will have far more effect on changing short-term behaviour and making long-term healthy change than any complicated spreadsheet or tracking app could ever hope for.
Sandi Martin
Financial Planner @ Spring Personal Finance

Finances are so intimidating to most people and they don’t have to be. Your Magic Number is a nice, light read with tangible tools to help any couple get on the same page.
Jason Heath, CFP
Personal Finance Columnist @ Financial Post & MoneySense Magazine

You don’t need to be an accountant to understand the concepts and how they can help you. Most people with financial challenges can’t solve their problem because they feel overwhelmed — Your Magic Number offers a good roadmap to recovery.
Brian Hochman
Certified Public Accountant

Your Magic Number is the easiest budgeting process I have come across.
Michael Leonardelli
Senior VP @ Investment Planning Counsel

By spending only a few minutes a day following these easy steps, you can change your family’s financial prosperity for years to come.
Konrad Kopacz
Portfolio Manager

Simple and effective. If you’ve procrastinated about getting a handle on your spending and debt, read Your Magic Number. It just may change your life!
Paulette Filion
Financial Services Consulant & Speaker

Very practical, insightful, and simple to implement. I would recommend Your Magic Number to anyone.
Rob Charron
Certified Financial Planner

I read Your Magic Number in under 20 minutes and am looking forward to trying out the strategies myself. Even experienced budgeters can learn from this book. I highly recommend it.
Marc Sherman
Certified Financial Planner
Take control of your finances and still enjoy life.
Get the ebook and learn how. (20 minute read)
(P.S. It’s FREE, what do you have to lose?)